Quantum Academy
Quantum Academy was created to fill a void in the ophthalmic industry: a lack of quality training opportunities for AR lab production personnel. Q Academy offers a full compliment of course curriculums ranging from the high level science of coatings to the basics of consumer benefits. Our objective?
Help labs improve efficiencies, reduce expenses, create top quality coatings and increase sales.
There are many ways to take advantage of Quantum Academy courses with an equal number of price points to suit your lab’s needs, including many free resources available to our contract customers. Learn more about these learning opportunities at the links below.

Basic Ophthalmic Industry Glossary
This is a basic list of terms associated with the ophthalmic industry.

Stripping AR Coated Lenses
This module covers information and procedures involved in stripping coatings from lenses.

Dip Hardcoating Overview
This document will answer frequently asked questions about dip hardcoating.

DI Water Purification
Cleaning a lens prior to AR (anti-reflective) processing is arguably more important than cleaning a lens prior to spin coating.

Curing and Degassing Ovens
There are a variety of curing and degassing ovens used in ophthalmic labs worldwide.

Introduction to Light with Krista Davis
This is Light 101. Everything you need to know about the basics of light and how it works.

How AR Works
This is a brief summary of light and the basic principles by which thin film anti-reflective coatings work.

AR Lab Best Practices
It is the purpose of this document to provide an overview of the best practices for your lab.

Ultrasonic Lens Cleaning and Hardcoat
Proper preparation, cleaning and hardcoat are essential to successful AR coating.

Machine Operation
Accepted practices for coating lenses using your AR coating system starting at removal from the degas oven.

Final Inspection of AR Coated Lenses
This module discusses final inspection of AR coated lenses prior to release of the job to the finishing department.

Checklists & Logsheets (Printable/Downloadable)
This module includes checklists that are helpful for consistent operation. We recommend posting copies of these checklists at corresponding work areas.

Quality Assurance
Making sure that the coating produced meets intended specifications is very important to your lab’s success.

Measuring a Coating Using a Spectrophotometer
This document covers spectral testing done on a lens from any customer. Using this process ensures that your coating displays the correct characteristics.

Salt Water Boil Test
This document covers any testing done on a lens from any customer. This is an environmental test to assess the robustness of an AR coating, its ability to adhere to a hardcoat, and the hardcoat’s ability to adhere to a lens.

Tape Pull Test
This document outlines the process for performing a Tape Pull test on a lens from any customer.

Cleaning Procedures for Clean Rooms
The most important element of quality-control is to start with a clean lab and keep it clean.