Q Academy

This module covers information and procedures involved in stripping coatings from lenses. In the event of a blown run, this process might be a viable solution to be able to prep and recoat the lenses to reduce breakage costs.

Materials and Equipment

  • BPI AR Dry or Optisource AR Stripper
  • Di-ionized (DI) water
  • Plastic 1-quart container for mixing
  • Plastic 1.5 quart container with lid for DI water
  • Plastic container with lid for stripping
  • Black pad
  • Lint-free tissues
  • Acid-resistant disposable rubber gloves
  • Goggles
  • Eye wash station
  • Chemical spill body shower station
  • Emergency spill equipment, pads/poweder
  • Lab coat
  • Exhaust ventilation
  • Timer


  • AR Stripper contains caustic acid.
  • Read the supplier’s SDS.
  • Take necessary precautions to protect hands, arms, and eyes.
  • Wear gloves and googles.
  • Do not allow contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. If contact occurs, flush immediately with water.
  • Do not breathe the fumes.
  • Do not store in glass containers.
  • Do not allow contact with metals.
  • Wash hands well after use.
  • Use only at room temperature.


If using BPI AR Dry:

  1. Carefully open the bottle and pour contents into 1-quart plastic container.
  2. Fill approximately 2/3 full with water.
  3. Allow to stand for 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer solution into container to be used for stripping.
  5. Immerse lenses for stripping:
    1. AR removal – no longer than 30 seconds.
    2. Hardcoat removal – approximately 1 hour.
  6. Remove lenses and rinse well with water.
  7. Examine lens for complete removal of AR or hardcoating. Repeat if necessary.
  8. In case of spill, use emergency spill pads or powder for clean-up.

If Using the Optisource AR Stripper:

  1.  Pour stripping solution into stripping container.
  2. Remove lid and place in lens solution:
    1. Be sure to remove air bubbles from under the lens.
    2. AR removal – 30 minutes.
    3. Hardcoat removal – approximately 1 hour.
  3. Remove lens, rinse 30 seconds in warm water and wipe with an alcohol saturated tissue.
  4. Examine lens of complete removal of AR coating. Repeat if necessary.
  5. In case of spill, use emergency spill pads or powder for clean-up.