Following accepted procedures for final inspection can greatly impact the success of your AR
lab. This module discusses final inspection of AR coated lenses prior to release of the job to the
finishing department.
Equipment and Materials
- Disposable latex gloves
- Inspection light box
- Lint-free tissues
- Lensometer
- Tissues of plastic baggie
- Pen/writing utensil
- Initial stamp
- Stamp: “Rejected, review required”
- AR lens replacement form
- Route inspection sheet book
- Always wear latex gloves when handling lenses.
- Lenses are to be removed in correct sequence with envelope batch.
- Carefully remove lenses from rings.
- Verify:
- Lens – match to tracing
- Lens power – compare to Rx specifactions
- AR color
- Lens surface – scratches, defects, etc.
Acceptable Lenses
- On the convex (front) side of the right lens, place an identifier per your lab’s standard operating procedures:
- On the upper right corner of edged lenses
- On the outer edge of uncuts
- Wrap lens in tissue or plastic baggie as required.
- Place lens(es) in envelope.
- Right lens – concave to front
- Left lens – convex to front
- If half pair – note on work envelope.
- Initial stamp the envelope and place in plastic bin.
- Forward to AR (Data Entry) finishing station.
Non-acceptable Lenses
- Date and stamp “REJECT” on the routing sheet and add the reason for rejection.
- The original routing sheet should remain with the batch.
- Attach the stamped sheets TO ENVELOPE
- Place in Evaluation Bin Station for review by supervisor.
Quality Notes
Each employee is expected to:
- Be responsible for the quality of the work they perform.
- Know and understand the quality requirements of every operation they perform.
- Ensure that each step is performed correctly the first time, every time.
Employees are responsible for the housekeeping in their work area. They are expected to:
- Keep their area clean, orderly, and free of all unnecessary items.
- Assist in maintaining all common areas.